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Welcome to my Blog "SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT."

Updated: Aug 17, 2021

Well, 2020 certainly gave us all things to think about. Amidst the initial confusion of what we were really dealing with and the barrage of uncertainties. One of the things that became evident was that we were not as in control as we thought we were. 2020 the world shifted. How we exist and interact, not only with each other but within our world at large has certainly changed. The rat race as we knew It, was brought to a standstill, a pause.

The forced isolation meant that many people suddenly found themselves faced with hearing their inner voice for the first time. No longer could it be drowned out by the busyness of life or that constant need to fill every moment with mundane activities. What many then had to come to terms with was that they had been running on automatic. Suddenly the numbers soared of those who felt emotionally, psychologically, and mentally in need of help. Help to handle the tsunami of feelings and behaviors triggered by all the uncertainties of circumstances beyond our control.

"We were not designed by the creator to live in isolation nor without the ability to cultivate positive intimate human connections. Our ability to connect with others is a vital component of a healthy mind. "

Those who work around the area of mental health will attest to the fact that 2020 gave us all a remarkable opportunity. In the midst of a pandemic that affected us all, families and communities were encouraged to come together and to gain a greater understanding of the importance of mental health and self-care.

As fellow citizens, we were called on to learn what it was to truly share in each other’s pain and losses, show compassion, and extend a helping hand.

Some have found themselves having to reinvent themselves with the sudden loss of a loved one, change of career, or having to make a big move. Maybe you are one of those who has been faced with asking yourself the question. Where do I go from here? How do I go on from here?

Where can I find help? How can I find hope?

As a teacher, minister, and mental health professional, I hope that this can be a safe space. One where you will be able to find, words of encouragement, tips, antidotes, affirmations, and meditations to help you through your day and beyond.

The true figures in the CDC Report previously mentioned are probably greater and should indeed give us ALL something to think about!

We all know someone who is struggling. Maybe that person is you!

How are you really doing? Let’s talk.

Scripture Hebrews 10:24

And let us consider [thoughtfully] how we may encourage one another to Love and to do good deeds. [ AMP]


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